Soucy Techno Participates In A Program To Propel Its Efficiency!

Soucy techno participe programme propulser son efficacite

Soucy Techno has been accepted into the Podium Transport Program, an initiative of STIQ aimed to increase the competitiveness of Quebec manufacturing companies that operate in the supply chains of the ground transportation sector.

Through their involvement in businesses, the Podium Transport team stimulates the culture of innovation, shares their knowledge and recognizes the performance of local companies. Also, the Podium Transport program allows Quebec manufacturers to benefit from support aimed to increase their competitiveness and their supply chains.

Why is Soucy Techno evolving in the supply chains of the ground transportation sector? It’s very simple! Like its sister subsidiaries, Soucy Techno produces inputs for this sector.

Consider, among other things, the tracks found on powersports vehicles, such as side-by-side vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, etc. The company also supplies materials to the market for special vehicles in the heavy industry and the parapublic and public sectors for heavy trucks, defence vehicles, maintenance trucks, etc.

It was through an audit of its organizational and management processes that the company was given a diagnosis suggesting improvement projects to optimize its business practices and its operational efficiency.

Based on the recommendations of this diagnosis, and considering its internal findings, the company has selected its improvement projects. These projects will be realized with the contribution of the Podium Transport Program which provides a financial support of $50,000 in external consultation. Mainly, for this funding, Soucy Techno will be accompanied by expert analysts and programmers in order to optimize some of its internal business practices which influence its external partners.

Thanks to this additional contribution, Soucy Techno, who is already qualified as one of the best managed companies in Canada, will be able to boost its efficiency and growth!